Keynote Speaker
Emory Austin
Emory Austin is internationally recognized as the presenter of one of this decade's must-hear messages. Her Fortune 500 client list includes utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, telecommunications, technology, banking, financial services, real estate, the CIA and other government agencies, direct sales, retail sales, food service, chambers of commerce, staffing, human resources, and defense organizations here and in Europe.
What makes Emory's message one that we wanted you to hear?
Each of us wants to succeed. Conflicting advice and easy, bullet-point answers pop up everywhere. Our ways of making all of it work, however, are as different as our personalities and as varied as our skills. Emory's expert research indicates that the best approach for each of us must come from the way we view, build on, and use the individual strengths that life's lessons have already handed us.
And so we've asked her to take each of us on a treasure hunt of rediscovery. What strengths are there in the events, patterns, and stories of your life? Listen, enjoy, reflect, and resolve -- because Emory's insights will make a meaningful and measurable difference . . . for you and for those whose lives you touch.