Your Event

Take your seat at the table. Join other outstanding and dedicated women and men at the Amarillo Go Red for Women luncheon. Hear the survivor stories, remember the expert advice, and Make it Your Mission to share in the commitment to fight the No.1 killer of women.

Join Us & Get Directions

February 17, 2010
10:00am - 1:30pm
Amarillo Civic Center
Heritage & Regency Rooms 
Amarillo, TX

Keynote Speaker

LaDonna Gatlin

There are speakers, there are entertainers and then there are singers. Rarely do you find all three in the same person, but that's exactly what you'll find in LaDonna Gatlin.

Our Survivor

Morgan Tanner

Don't miss Morgan's compelling story, reminding us all to "listen to our bodies".

Breakout Sessions

Get inspired. Get informed. Join health and fitness experts, medical professionals, and women like you to hear the concrete steps you can take today for better heart health.


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